日本川崎重工靠什么战胜中国中车拿到纽约地铁37亿美元超级大单?据日本经济新闻报道:日本川崎重工1月25日正式宣布,获得美国纽约地铁大量车辆订单。最多为1612节车辆,金额约37亿美元,将是川崎重工接到的最大规模订单。在铁路车辆领域,海外企业通过重组成为巨大企业,其实力强大。川崎重工在规模上处于劣势,但一直将目光对准能发挥交货期管理和质量优势的北美市场。尽管全球最大企业中国中车(CRRC)也参与到本次的订单竞争之中,但川崎重工最终赢得订单,显示出自身的存在感。川崎重工在交货期管理和质量方面获得高度评价(R160车型)纽约市公共交通局(NYCT)已向川崎重工的美国当地法人KawasakiRailCar非正式提出了新型车辆“R211”的订货。最初订购535节,价格约为14亿美元,将于2020~2023年交付。如果包括追加的期权协议在内,则总数达到1612节,总金额增加至4000亿日元。金额相当于川崎重工铁路车辆部门年销售额(约1400亿日元)的约3倍。赢得与中车和庞巴迪的竞争川崎重工能够接到订单正是奉行“短小精悍”原则的结果。当初,全球最大的中国中车和第4位的加拿大庞巴迪联合投标,与川崎重工展开竞争。仅中车一家的年销售额就逼近4万亿日元,据称中车和庞巴迪在招标中曾经占优势。此外,中车还曾获得美国波士顿的地铁车辆订单,一直以成本竞争力为武器,在北美等海外市场加强攻势。不过,纽约市公共交通局、及其上级纽约大都会交通管理局(MTA)重视技术实力和交货期管理能力,2017年将订货候选企业锁定为川崎重工。在其背后,纽约市公共交通局的意向明显发挥了作用,该局希望迅速获得高质量新型车辆。在纽约,因地铁车辆老化等导致的晚点和拥挤频发。大都会交通管理局局长约瑟夫·勒霍塔表示,“开发划时代的新型车辆是地铁系统现代化所不可或缺的”,正在加速引进加宽了车门、能缩短乘降时间的R211车型。在此背景下,大都会交通管理局将此前向庞巴迪订购的R179车型交货延误超过2年视为问题。另一方面,“(川崎重工制造的现行车辆)R160和R188在纽约市公共交通局的车辆中可靠性最高”,大都会交通管理局的讨论委员会一致同意向川崎重工订货。日式服务受好评川崎重工凭借令对手无法企及的存在感赢得了订单,但这种胜利方程式并非一朝一夕就能形成。1994年的一个深夜,纽约239号街区车辆基地里,4名身穿牛仔裤的日本人正认真检查车身的LOGO。其中1人、负责现场领导的正是川崎重工现任社长金花芳则。当时是争夺新一代车辆订单的关键时刻。在试验车辆运行结束后,川崎重工逐一分析故障,制造出了故障少的车辆。反超竞争对手庞巴迪,获得了400节“R142A”车辆订单。如今,纽约市公共交通局的地铁车辆中约30%来自川崎重工,份额居首。对川崎重工而言,纽约已成为海外业务的根基。金花芳则表示,“周末出故障也能迅速应对,川崎重工的日式服务一直受到好评”。北美与日本相同,与车辆企业相比线路运营商的话语权更强。车辆厂商需要根据路线和具体运营商等细致改变性能参数。与业务规模相比质量和服务更重要,因此日式的产品制造能力容易起作用。 而欧洲是全球第2位的西门子和第3位的阿尔斯通的根据地,二者的铁路车辆业务预定2018年合并。在欧洲,业务规模更容易直接提升订单争夺能力,与日美形成对照。单笔订单规模接近历史总和川崎重工自1985年以来向纽约市公共交通局交付了超过2200节车辆,而本次的单笔订单就超过1600节,规模接近历史总和,按交货期完成制造和交付并非易事。川崎重工在美国的林肯工厂(位于内布拉斯加州)和扬克斯(Yonkers)工厂(纽约州)需要展开合作,建立符合要求的制造和服务体制不可或缺。 要期待业务取得更大收益,将大量订单转化为新业务的创意十分重要。日本最大铁路车辆企业日立制作所在英国获得的高铁订单仅为866节,不过合同还包含长达27年半的维护业务,因此业务总额达到1万亿日元。日立的车辆在2017年已经启动运行。 川崎重工此次接到的订单规模超过1600节,非常巨大,但合同主要是老化车辆的更新需求。今后要扩大业务,推动车辆的运营支援等实现商业化或将成为选项。凭借川崎重工在纽约的较高车辆份额、车辆数据和此前的周到服务业绩,有望获得稳定收益。川崎重工英文声明原文:New York City Transit to Award Contract for New Generation Subway CarsTokyo, January 25, 2018 – Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. announced today that Kawasaki Rail Car, Inc. (KRC), its U.S. subsidiary based in Yonkers, New York, has received an order for 535 new generation subway cars, known as the R211 series, from the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s (MTA) New York City Transit (NYCT*1). The order is worth approximately $1.4 billion dollars (158 billion Japanese yen).Kawasaki will manufacture the R211 subway cars at its facilities in Lincoln, Nebraska (Kawasaki Motors Manufacturing Corp., USA) and Yonkers, New York. The state of the art Lincoln Nebraska facility, established in 2001, will manufacture the car body structure and install interior equipment, while final assembly and function testing will be performed at the Lincoln Facility and the Yonkers Facility, established in 1989, in Yonkers, New York. The cars are scheduled to be delivered to NYCT from 2020 through 2023.In addition to the base order of 535 cars, the contract includes options for up to 1,077 cars that NYCT may exercise bringing the total number of the cars to 1,612, with a total contract value of approximately $3.7 billion dollars (403 billion Japanese yen). In the event all options are exercised, the R211 contract would be the largest rail contract ever awarded to Kawasaki, enabling Kawasaki to keep its US production line in operation up until the year 2025.Kawasaki has successfully delivered over 2,200 cars to the NYCT since receiving its initial order in 1982 for the R62 subway cars. The R211 subway cars is scheduled to replace the authority’s fleet of R46 cars.The R211 cars are being introduced as a part of NYCT’s efforts to modernize and improve reliability and service to NYCT’s customers. The cars will be equipped with LED lighting, digital displays and wider doors, enabling passengers to enter and exit the trains more smoothly, thus reducing the time trains sit at the station. Twenty (20) cars of the initial contract will feature an open gangway design, to allow passengers to move freely between cars to reduce crowding by expanding capacity and distributing passenger loads more evenly throughout the train.Kawasaki has gained credibility through its past project performance, high technology and vehicle reliability, which all contributed to the successful award of the R211 contract.The R211 contract will continue Kawasaki’s business in the United States into the future in combination with the Series 7000 subway cars for Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, M-9 cars for the Long Island Rail Road and the M-8 cars for the Metro-North Commuter Railroad.Kawasaki will continue to build its credibility with its technological expertise by providing environmentally friendly modes of transportation to the United States and markets around the world.End